Earlier this week, our friends Edith and Larry asked if they could watch Jackson for us so we could go on a date tonight - Of Course!! Thank you!!
Wesley and I were both very excited about a night out, and planned on getting dinner and going to a movie. After dropping Jackson off, we realized neither of us were really hungry. There was no use spending too much money when we didn't want anything too heavy and we knew popcorn would be on the agenda later.
Hindsight 20/20, we now know that decision – the decision not to go grab dinner - is what turned a perfectly romantic night out into well life. Here's what happened:
1. Instead of fun times at a
restaurant, we ended up at Babies R Us taking back a few things for Philip.
2. Instead of dinner out, we ran through Burger King and each brought a cheeseburger into the movies - great complement for popcorn, huh?
3. We were the first to arrive at the movie and decided on the perfect spot. About 10 minutes later, the next couple came into the empty theater and where did they decide to sit? 2 seats down from Wesley!
It took both of us a minute to register that out of the entire theater, this couple wanted to be right next to us. We were finally over it, when the next couple in came and sat 1 seat down from me. Not cool at all!
4. After picking up Jackson and heading home, the rest of the evening consisted of Wesley and me sitting on the couch waiting on the doctor to call back and counting fetal movements.
Seems my big belly looks just a pillow and Jackson decided to forcefully fall back on his "pillow" leaving me in pain and worried that he had just broken Philip's legs!
After consulting with the doctor and feeling Philip move all over the place, we realized Jackson's accidental plunge into my belly did no harm!
It just confirmed that with a 2 1/2 year old and one on the way, a romantic night out is harder to accomplish than once was!! Oh well, that’s life and I
wouldn’t want it any other way!