Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Voting Day!

I love to vote! I really do! It all began when I was young. Every election, my grandmother would come pick up my two sisters and me and take us to the polls at Granberry Elementary. We would jump out of her car and wait in line. Back then, lines were inevitable but no one complained. It was just something you did. We would talk to our neighbors and friends in line. There was so much excitement in the air.

Once we got to the front, Mimi would find her name in the big book and sign on the line. Then, we would all pile into the booth. Do you remember those? We would have to scrunch in and pull the curtain tight - no peaking! Once in there, Mimi would make her selections and then choose one of us to pull the lever to cast the vote. If we were really lucky, after we voted with Mimi we would go back with my Mom and Dad - three times in one day!! Oh, I loved election day!!

All those years of going to the polls made me excited about voting myself. I would hear Mimi talk about how important it was to vote, what a great opportunity it was, and how we should be proud that we have this right. It was lovingly instilled in me that when I turned 18, I needed to register to vote, and that is exactly what I did. I was so proud to be a registered voter!

Now, Wesley and I have started taking Jackson to the polls with us. His first voting experience was in February, and then today he traveled with me to vote. I know it is early, but he needs to learn how important it is as an American to cast your vote. It is a right that should never be taken for granted! I want him to tell his kids stories about going to the polls as a child. I want it to be something he looks forward to!

Though election day has changed so much since I first voted - now we can vote early; it is all done on a computer so no more levers to pull or booths to go in; and I haven't found my name in the big book since I lived in Nashville - it is still an exciting time. I know every vote counts so I went and voted today, and I encourage everyone to go vote during this fun, and historic, election season!

Here are some pictures from today. Jackson in line:

Jackson even got a sticker - He's a Georgia Voter!

Here are some photos from his first voting experience:


  1. My wife is the best blogger ever. Great writing, great stories, and great message.


  2. I was thinking the same thing. I just told someone this morning at church that I never know what to write! Good job Leanne!

