Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day Two - Operation: No More Passy!

Today is Day 2 of our quest to end Jackson's affair with his passy. Though he has not been one to have his passy with him 24/7, it has been a constant presence at nap time, bedtime and while traveling. I knew at the beginning of the year, I would need to start weening him off.

I was dreading this day more for me than for him. I hate taking something away from him that he loves and is doing him no harm right now. I just know eventually, it will have to go so yesterday as I put him down for his nap, I decided now was as good of a time as any.

I laid him down and he looked up at me like "Okay, where is it?" I just smiled and left the room. He cried for a few minutes but then proceeded to take a 2.5 hour nap. Last night, as Wesley put him to bed, he searched his crib looking for it. Though he came up empty-handed, he didn't put up a fight and went right to sleep. This morning, when I went in to get him, he was pointing behind his crib - usually if he looses his passy during the night that's where we find it. I tried to ignore his plea for me to get it and distracted him by talking about Flash and Daddy. Worked great!

Now, here we are again at nap time and it's not going as well. He just looked up at me with eyes that begged for me to give him beloved passy! I had been encouraged this morning by Wesley to stay strong and not give in! So I just smiled and left the room. He has been crying for about 10 minutes but I can tell he is slowly settling down. The ladies at the YMCA play center said he probably wore himself out playing today. I am hoping that will work to my advantage and sleep will overcome the desire for the passy.

I will keep you updated on his success. In the meantime, here are some pictures from his passy- past.

Jackson at 6 months. He loved to have one passy in his mouth and one in each hand. That way, he wouldn't be without if he lost one during his nap!
This was taken at Christmas. As you can see, Jackson graduated to a new passy - his "Bling Bling" (seriously, that's what the package said!)

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