Thursday, September 6, 2012

Gestational Diabetes Test

During the middle of pregnancy, the doctors test you for Gestational diabetes. If you pass the initial test, you are home free. If you fail, you have to go back and take a 3-hour test.  I passed with Jackson but failed the initial test with Philip and Elizabeth.

They scheduled my follow up test for today. The boys were in school so the date didn't bother me except this morning was already set for a breakfast date with some of my girlfriends. Instead of pancakes and hash brown casserole at Cracker Barrel, I had a fasting date with this....

The test is three parts and to be diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes, you have to fail 2 out of the 3 tests. Thankfully, I only failed one. That one fail means I have to limit my sugar but I don't have to monitor anything too closely.

My interpretation of that - only one Pumpkin Spice Latte a week instead of one a day :-)

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