Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Preschool Mystery

Since my car is in the shop today, Wesley picked Jackson up from school. When he got home, we started unloading his backpack. I placed his lunchbox on the table and started going through all his artwork.

As I was commenting on the art, Wesley opened up his lunchbox to see how Jackson ate today. He opened his sandwich box and said "Pretty good. Not much left."

I looked in and saw about a half of a sandwich left. Not bad...but wait! That's not what I packed him!!

In his box were two small pieces of a peanut butter and peach jelly sandwich that I had made this morning and one gigantic piece of a peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich. I looked at Wesley and just laughed. Thank goodness he isn't allergic to anything!

Hopefully, it was just a mix up and we don't have a little Sandwich Stealer on our hands!

Exhibit A:

Sandwich on the left - Not Jackson's

Sandwich on the right - Jackson's

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