Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

The fun part about being home for the holidays is making new traditions. Yesterday we started a list of all the things we were doing to make sure we remember for next year.

The list continued today as we got up and went shopping. We were not looking for anything particular; we just wanted to get out and do something. We spent most of the morning at Barnes and Nobles playing on the Thomas train set.

One thing I wanted to make sure to do this year was go to a Christmas Eve service. We never went to a service growing up because they started so late. We were able to find quite a few around here that started in the early evening.

We decided to head with the Wyatts to Mountain Lake Church for their 6:00 service. It was a beautiful service, but much different than I had expected. I thought it would just be singing Christmas Carols in the candlelight, but they had singing, a sermon and even gave out communion for us to take at home as a family.

After the service, we headed over to the Hazlewood's house for dessert. Kate had mentioned that we should drop by after the service and since it was still early, we headed their way.

Well, it was more than just dessert they had for us! Kate had made the most delicious spread of appetizers for her and Ben and told us to enjoy as well. After we finished the appetizers, she pulled out a chocolate peppermint cake out of the oven. Oh my! I don't usually go crazy for chocolate, but I could have eaten the entire thing! It was amazing!

Jackson didn't eat much that night but loved playing with his buddy Sam!

Once we got home and got Jackson to bed, Wesley and I went downstairs to make our brunch for Christmas Day. Once all the casseroles were made, we took a picture of the refrigerator because I don’t think we have ever had a fridge this full!!

It was a great day but at the end of the night Wesley and I were both exhausted. The last thing we did before heading to bed was to check out Jackson. He was fast asleep waiting on Santa!

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