Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Happy Birthday, Wesley!

Tonight, we went and celebrated Wesley’s 31st birthday. Jack and Lynne had planned to come into town for a YMCA dinner and graciously agreed to come a day early to watch the boys so we could go out.

We went to a yummy dinner at Ted’s Montana Grill, shopped, and then went to see Wall Street. We picked this movie because there was nothing else out, but ended up really enjoying it.

I think we liked it most of all because we were alone. As much as we love our little boys, it is so nice to go out as husband and wife sometimes too!

Happy Birthday Wesley!

1 comment:

  1. We are looking forward to the day that we get to go out on a date again! :) Love seeing your updates and can't wait to come visit...hopefully we'll make the blog! :)
