Thursday, November 27, 2008

Give thanks with a grateful heart

On this day, Americans take time to offer thanks. Personally, I have so much to be thankful for. Though I am grateful for all the material things in my life, my greatest blessings cannot be bought with money.

I am most thankful for:

1. My home that exists no matter what size house I have
2. My health that I will never take for granted
3. My extended family that represents decades of love & faithful living
4. My parents who continually give me support
5. My sisters who I miss daily
6. My friends who lift me up with laughter and encouragement
7. My church where I can go and worship without fear of persecution
8. My son who is the source of great joy
9. My husband who is the love of my life
10. My God who has given me far more than I deserve and has promised the greatest blessing of all - eternal life with Him!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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